Animals in the Library Policy
Pets are not allowed in the library.
While the library occasionally presents educational programs that feature animals, members of the public may only enter the library with an animal if it is a service animal that requires accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Under the ADA, a service animal is an animal that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. The animal must be trained to take specific action to assist the person with a disability, and the task(s) performed must be directly related to the disability.
Emotional support therapy, comfort, or companion animals which have not been trained to perform a specific job or task don’t quality as service animals under the ADA.
If it is not obvious that an animal brought into the library is a service animal, a staff member may ask the following questions:
Is the service animal required because of a disability?
What specific work or task has the animal been trained to perform?
A staff member attempting to ascertain whether an animal is a service animal will never ask about the nature of a person’s disability.
Service animals must be under the immediate control of their handlers at all times.
Service animals which are not housebroken, make excessive noise, are uncontrolled, or are otherwise disruptive will be required to leave the premises.
Animals may never be left unattended on library grounds.
Service animals are not allowed on library furniture or fixtures, or in library baskets or carts, and must remain on the floor or be carried (as appropriate) by their handlers at all times.
Approved by Library Board 12/18/17
The Monroeville Library is a public space, and its resources and services are available to all. To this end, patrons are expected to behave in a responsible, appropriate and non disruptive manner when using the Library. Any activity or behavior that interferes with the ability of other patrons to make use of Library resources and services is not permitted. This policy applies to patrons of all ages. Disruptive activities and behaviors include, but are not limited to:
Shirts and shoes must be worn at all times.
For reasons of public health and safety, the Library reserves the right to ask patrons to leave who are not attired appropriately. Final judgment of what is or is not proper attire shall rest with the library director.
The unauthorized transportation, use, or storage of any firearms, weapons and/or explosives is prohibited.
No solicitation.
Library staff will intervene to stop any disruptive activity or behavior. The Librarians at the Adult Reference and Children's Desks will make the determination of whether a particular activity or behavior is disruptive.
No more than one user is allowed at a computer, except at the discretion of the Librarians. Computer users who fail to comply with these rules and the requests of Library staff may be required to vacate the computers.
Failure to comply with this policy will result in a warning, and/or expulsion from the Library for the day or other specified period of time. In the case of minors under 18, an effort will be made to contact parents or guardians. Any person who is asked to leave the Library for failure to comply with this policy and refuses shall be considered to be trespassing, and the librarian in charge will contact the police.
The Library is not responsible for personal belongings left unattended anywhere on Library property. Items found will be placed into lost and found for a period not less than one month. Personal items left by patrons are subject to disposal.
Approved by Library Board April 10, 2006/Revised by Library Board August 10, 2011
Eligibility for Borrowing
Borrowers' cards are issued free of charge to residents and real estate and mercantile taxpayers of Monroeville and Pitcairn. Allegheny County residents and non-residents from areas that participate in Access PA may obtain cards free of charge. Proof of name and current address must be presented at time of registration for a borrower's card. Types of identification include real estate/mercantile tax receipts, driver's license, car registration, currently postmarked mail, most bills, or ID cards with a current date. Out of state non-residents may have borrowing privileges upon payment of a $30.00 yearly fee.
Adult and Juvenile Borrowers
With parents' permission children up through grade 8 will be issued Library cards. Children must be able to write or print their own names in order to apply for their cards and a parent or guardian's signature is required. The Library upholds and affirms, through its adoption of the Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read Statement, the right of each individual to have access to constitutionally protected material and will not restrict the borrowing privileges of any borrower. Parents may fill out a form to restrict the types of materials that their children under age 14 may borrow. Borrowers at least 14 years of age or in grade 9 or above will be considered adult borrowers.
School, Organization and Business Privileges
Library cards may be issued to Monroeville and Pitcairn schools, organizations, and businesses. These cards will be issued under the name of the school, organization, or business and will expire three years from the date of application. Application must be approved by the librarian-in-charge. Applications must be signed by the principal of the school, the president of the organization, or the owner or manager of the business. Library cards issued will be kept on file at the Library and may be used by teachers of the school or by representatives of the organization or business. No more than the usual limit of materials may be taken out by a school, organization, or business representative at one time except with prior permission of the department head. However, more than one teacher, organization, or business member may have materials out on the same card at one time. Late fees must be paid for overdue materials. The school, organization, or business will be responsible for all materials borrowed on its card and must pay for all overdue, lost or damaged materials. Non-compliance with these rules may result in loss of library privileges.
An adult borrower assumes responsibility for all materials borrowed on his card. Parents are responsible for all materials borrowed by their children who are legal minors.
Borrowers' Cards. Each borrower is responsible for her or his library card. A borrower who wishes to allow another individual to take out materials on his or her card must submit a "Waiver of Right of Confidentiality of Library Records" form, available upon request at the Circulation and Reference desks.
Borrowing Books and Library Materials
The borrower's card must be presented when borrowing books and library materials. There is no limit to the number of items that can be taken out on one card.
Current issues of magazines will be reference only.
Newspapers do not circulate.
Most pamphlets are available for circulation.
All items are available for a 21 day loan.
All items will automatically renew 6 times, unless they are on reserve.
Requests (or Holds) may be placed on cataloged materials which are currently in the system. Borrowers may place requests by telephone, through the Library's web site, or at the Library. No more than 10 available items will be pulled from the shelves and held for a patron.
Inter-Library Loans
Inter-Library loan service is available to all. There will be a service charge only in cases when the Monroeville Public Library is charged for postage or special service. Requests must be made in compliance with rules for interlibrary loans. Interlibrary loan materials will be charged out for the loan period of the lending library and may be renewed if that library approves the renewal. They may be returned to any Allegheny County public library. The number of interlibrary loan materials charged out to a patron will not limit the number of Monroeville Public Library materials which may be borrowed by that person.
We no longer charge late fees
Charges for Lost Materials
If an item is lost, the current replacement cost plus a $5.00 billing fee must be paid to the Library. Borrowers should understand that the payment for lost materials rarely covers the cost of acquiring and processing a replacement.
Unpaid charges on an account amounting to $10.00 or more will necessitate withholding all borrowing privileges until the account is settled.
Refunds for Lost and Paid Materials
Refunds for lost and paid materials which have been returned in good condition may be paid from the lost book fund. The billing fee is not refunded. If there is no refund, the borrower may have the option of keeping the material after it has been marked "withdrawn" by the Library.
Miscellaneous Charges
Charges will be made in relation to the amount of damage and will be at the discretion of the librarian. There will be a charge of $1.00 for a missing box for a books-on-CD, videocassette, compact disc, or DVD. There will also be a $1.00 charge for a missing media bag or barcode label. If an item is damaged to the extent that it is no longer acceptable for Library use, the borrower must pay the cost of the item plus a $5.00 billing charge.
1. Does this policy change mean I can keep my library materials forever?
No, all library materials will still have a due date. We know library patrons are busy and sometimes an item comes back a few days late and we want to make using the library easy and inclusive for all patrons. Now patrons do not have to worry about their items accruing overdue fines, but the item still has to be returned. As the due date approaches, the library will notify the patron of the due date and ask that they return it (if the item is not eligible for renewal). If the item is six weeks overdue, a bill will be mailed and if an item is more than six weeks overdue, the account may be referred to a collection agency depending on the registering library.
2. Won’t this policy negatively impact the library’s budget?
Fines generate approximately 1% of our annual budget, and our statistics show that fine income decreases each year. We are already exploring other ways of generating income to help supplement our operating budget.
3. If patrons are not charged overdue fines will items still be returned in a timely manner?
Yes, our expectation is that the majority of items checked out will still be returned within a few days of the due date, regardless of an overdue fine. Most library patrons are responsible users and will continue to return items on or near the due date. Other libraries that have made this change have not seen a significant change in the rate of items that are overdue and see around 95% of items returned within one week of the due date.
4. Isn’t it the library’s job to teach civic responsibility with overdue fines?
The Monroeville Public Library’s mission is to “facilitate information, discovery, and connections. We do this to inspire a growing, connected community where all have the opportunity to create, achieve, and contribute.” We believe this policy change will help us better accomplish our mission, and research has shown that fines do not effectively teach responsibility.
5. Will the library eliminate previously accrued overdue fines?
Yes, along with the policy change to cease charging overdue fines on materials, we also granted an amnesty on all overdue fines accrued under the old policy. This includes overdue fines on items from other Allegheny County Library Association libraries.
6. Will the library change the wording, frequency, or process of our courtesy notices?
We have updated the language on our notices that refers to daily overdue fines. Notices will be sent earlier to help patrons keep track of item due dates. The library will send automated messages by email, phone, and mail, depending on the patron’s account information:
7. Will the library change the fee limit at which we block accounts?
No changes will be made to the current limits at which the library blocks account privileges (borrowing, renewal, e-resources, and databases access) if more than $10.00 in fees are owed.
8. Will materials accrue a daily overdue fine?
Yes, however, all fines will be waived at the Monroeville Public Library.
Note: Materials checked out at other libraries may still have fines. Fine are generated at point of check out.
9. Will items from the other ACLA libraries still accrue daily overdue fines?
Yes, materials from other libraries will still have fines. Fines are generated at point of check out, but we will waive them at the Monroeville Public Library.
10. Will the library give refunds to patrons who paid their overdue fines before this change?
No, the library does not refund overdue fines previously paid under the old late fee policy.
11. Will the library continue to participate in Unique Collection Agency services?
Yes, it still gives us an avenue to ensure that all material is returned.
12. Will the library continue to collect manual charges from other libraries?
The library will only collect the Manual Collection Agency charge for other libraries as there are procedures in place for reimbursement. Other manual charges such as fees associated with copies, fax, office supplies, etc may be waived.
13. Inter Library Loans (ILL) overdue fines
ILLs will not have fines if checked out at Monroeville Public Library – but they are not able to be renewed.
14. What is the difference between and fine and a fee?
Fines: funds owed for overdue items
Fees: funds owed for replacement items, collection agency charges, and other manual charges.
15. What Other Libraries are Participating?
Collection Development Policy
I. Philosophy and Goals
The objective of the Monroeville Library is to collect, organize and make available the widest possible diversity of materials in a variety of formats and to serve as a reference and research center providing access to accurate and up-to-date information for the people of Monroeville, Pitcairn, and Allegheny County. The Library endeavors to select materials that will supplement the individual's formal schooling, encourage lifelong education, contribute to the intellectual, aesthetic and recreational enjoyment of life, stimulate thought through the presentation of diverse points of view, and further the individual's self-realization and growth toward maturity.
II. Responsibility for Selection
Responsibility for the selection of Library materials rests with the Adult Services Librarian, the Teen Librarian, the Children's Librarian and the Library Director, who work within the guidelines of this policy.
III. Selection Criteria and Process
The Library selects materials in a wide range of formats, using any or all of the following criteria:
• Literary merit, artistic quality, aesthetic and recreational value
• Clarity, accuracy and usefulness of information presented
• Social, political and historical significance of the subject matter
• Community needs and popular demand
• Local interest (Pittsburgh and western Pennsylvania)
Library staff consult catalogs, bibliographies, and reviews from a variety of sources (professional journals, magazines, newspapers and other media) when selecting materials. Selection may be limited by considerations of cost and collection balance. Patron suggestions are welcomed, and will be considered using the same criteria and process. The Library is committed to collecting materials representing the widest possible diversity of viewpoints and forms of literary and artistic expression.
IV. Withdrawal of Library Materials
The withdrawal of materials (also known as "weeding") is an ongoing process directly related to collection development. Materials that are worn, damaged, outdated, duplicated or no longer accurate may be removed from the collection. The professional staff of the Library, under the general direction of the Adult Services Librarian, the Teen Librarian, the Children's Librarian and the Library Director, are solely responsible for the weeding of the collection.
V. Access to Library Materials
The Board of Directors of the Monroeville Public Library endorses the principles of the Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read statement adopted by the American Library Association. While anyone is free to reject Library materials of which they do not approve, the freedom of others to access these materials cannot be restricted. The Library does not stand in loco parentis. Parents and guardians have the responsibility to guide the reading, listening and viewing choices of their own minor children. Selection of adult collection materials cannot be inhibited by the possibility that items may be accessed by minors. An individual may express their objections to particular Library materials by completing a "Request for Reconsideration of Library Material" form. After the form is completed, it will be brought to the attention of the Adult Services Librarian, the Teen Librarian or the Children's Librarian, who will then respond to the person making the objections. Any objections remaining subsequent to this process will then be addressed by the Library Director, and the Board.
Library Board Approved April 2022.
VI. Requests for Reconsideration Policy
The Monroeville Public Library Board believes reading is an individual, private matter.
While anyone is free to select or reject materials for themselves, they cannot restrict the freedom of others to read or inquire. Parents have the primary responsibility to guide and direct the reading of their own minor child. The library does not stand in loco parentis.
There should be the fullest practicable provision of material presenting all points of view
concerning the problems and issues of our times, international, national and local. No materials should ever be excluded because of the beliefs or characteristics of the writer nor be proscribed or removed from the Monroeville Public Library because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.
Opinions may differ regarding the appropriateness of materials in any library. Resolution of conflicts between freedom of expression and information and the community’s right to restrict certain materials’ use is often a difficult task. In an attempt to insure the rights of all parties, Monroeville Public Library has established procedures for dealing with complaints against materials housed within the library.
The Monroeville Public Library professional staff, in accordance with its primary obligation of providing the information, within budgetary limitations, which best accommodates all the people in the community, is responsible for the selection of resources for Monroeville Public Library. The Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read statement will always be important foundation statements underlying selection questions.
An individual may express their objections to particular Library materials by completing a "Request for Reconsideration of Library Material" form. After the form is completed, it will be brought to the attention of the Adult Services Librarian, the Teen Librarian or the Children's Librarian, who will then respond to the person making the objections. Any objections remaining subsequent to this process will then be addressed by the Library Director, and the Board.
Library Board Approved April 2022.
Self-Published Materials - We desire to support local authors while maintaining the standards used for the permanent collections, and therefore have set specific guidelines for self-published materials. Authors wishing to contribute self-published books to the library must meet the criteria listed below:
Adopted by Library Board on December 12, 2022
Public Notice Bulletin Board and Information Brochure Rack Policy
The Monroeville Public Library encourages the display by non-profit, civic, and community groups of informational bulletins, brochures and posters regarding educational, cultural, civic, intellectual, and charitable activities of interest to the local community.
Materials supplied by commercial establishments may be displayed on the Library’s community information bulletin board or brochure rack if they promote the mission and goals of the library. Materials should not advertise for private or organizational gain unless the gain is used for the benefit of the community as a whole, such as cultural enhancement.The library director is authorized to judge which materials meet this criterion.
Excluded from display are personal ads and notices, notices of items for sale or rent, and political campaign advertising and notices advocating or promoting partisan political issues.
Because of space, posters may be no larger than 11 inches by 17 inches.
Materials may be displayed for no more than six (6) weeks.
Library staff will initial and date items submitted. Materials will be posted as space allows.
The Library reserves the right to establish time, place, and manner restrictions for the display of materials submitted. The Library also reserves the right to remove postings at any time.
Adopted by Library Board on March 10, 2003
Revised: 11/2012
Revised August 15, 2016
Before you schedule - some online exams ask for the last 4-digits of the proctor’s social security number, driver’s license number, or other personal information. Library staff will not provide information beyond name, title, and Library contact information. If your exam requires this type of information from the proctor, the library will not be able to provide you with proctoring services.
Scheduling Your Exam
Before the Exam
During the Exam
After the Exam
Adopted by Library Board on February 16, 2015
Wi-fi Hotspot Lending Policy
The Monroeville Public Library makes hotspots available to library card holders to assist in research, networking, and recreational use.
1. Hotspots can only be checked out at Monroeville Public Library by an Adult cardholder who is at least 18 years of age and whose account is in good standing (fees under $10).
2. Only one (1) hotspot can be checked out per card.
3. Cardholder is responsible for the use of the internet by any minors while using the hotspot.
4. Hotspots are available on first-come, first-served basis.
5. Hotspot can be checked out for three (3) weeks. It must be returned to the library by the due date, with all included cables and in the original packaging. If the hotspot has not been returned on its due date, the service to it will be terminated and it will become unusable.
6. If the hotspot is not returned to the library in good working condition, with all included parts and in the original packaging, the card holder will be charged an $80 replacement fee.
7. The Library or Service Provider is not responsible for any files, data, or personal information accessed, transmitted, lost or damaged while accessing the internet via the hotspot.
8. The Library is not responsible for lack of coverage/signal of the hotspot in different areas. Coverage levels depend on the area.
9. The Library reserves the right to refuse check-out to patrons who abuse equipment or who repeatedly return electronic devices past the due date.
Board Approved
August 21, 2017
September 26, 2018
January 24, 2022
The Internet is a huge network of information accessible through computers. Much of this information is useful, expanding our information capabilities far beyond what we could before the days of Internet access. Currently, however, it is an unregulated medium. As such, while it offers access to a wealth of material that is personally, professionally, and culturally enriching to individuals of all ages, it also enables access to some material that may be incorrect, offensive, disturbing, sexually explicit and/or illegal. This information, however, is constitutionally protected unless determined otherwise by a court with appropriate jurisdiction. The Library upholds and affirms, through its adoption of the Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read Statement, the right of each individual to have access to constitutionally protected material. However, Internet workstations shall not be used for any fraudulent or unlawful purpose, including any activity prohibited under any Federal, State or Local Law. The Library prohibits minors from accessing Internet and on-line sites that contain or make reference to explicit sexual and/or obscene materials as defined by 18 Pa. C.SA. Section 5903.
1. Responsibilities of Users
Patrons at least 12 years of age or in grade 7 or above who display their library card may use the computers in the adult area at the discretion of the librarian on duty. The Adult Services Department requires that users observe the rules and procedures for use as displayed near each webstation. Repeated violations of these rules may lead to expulsion from the Library. Unacceptable and expressly prohibited use of computer resources also includes the following:
Unauthorized copy of copyright- protected material;
Violation of software licensing agreements;
Violation of another user's privacy;
Destruction of or damage to equipment, software, or data belonging to the Library or to other users.
Conduct of private business for profit;
and Refusal to relinquish a computer for needed maintenance.
The Library is not responsible for the following:
Damage to any portable data storage device or data lost on the device while used in any library computer.
Protecting the users' personal information including but not limited to social security number, credit card number, name, address, phone number, email address, etc.
Problems with any commercial transaction carried out on library computers.
2. CIPA Compliance
The Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) is a federal law that requires all computers in a public library to be filtered if that library accepts any federal funds for Internet access or computers used for Internet access. (Supreme Court decision: United States v. American Library Ass'n., Inc., No. 02-361 (June 23, 2003) Monroeville Public Library complies with the requirements of CIPA.
All computers in the Monroeville Public Library are filtered. Please be aware that filters are unreliable, at times blocking sites of legitimate informational or educational value, or allowing access to sites that are illegal, obscene, or sexually explicit within the meaning of 18 Pa. Cons. Stat. Sec 5903.
Monroeville Public Library uses filtering software that blocks or filters Internet access to some Internet sites that may not be consistent with the policy of Monroeville Public Library.
Parents or legal guardians, and not the Library or its staff, are responsible for monitoring their children's use of the Internet and for the information selected and/or accessed by their children. The Library strongly encourages parents or legal guardians to supervise their children's Internet use and to provide them with guidelines about acceptable use.
Monroeville Public Library computers cannot be used for any fraudulent or unlawful purpose, including any activities prohibited under any applicable federal, Pennsylvania, or local laws, including activities in violation of 18 Pa. Cons. Stat. Sec. 5903, which prohibits certain acts of public indecency.
Any adult (17 years of age or older, as defined by CIPA) may request that the filter or technology protection measure be disabled without significant delay by a Monroeville Public Library staff member authorized by the Library Director, consistent with the privacy policy of Monroeville Public Library.
An authorized Monroeville Public Library staff member may override the filter or technology protection measure for a minor (age 16 years or younger, as defined by CIPA) in the event that the filter wrongly blocks or filters Internet access to a site with legitimate informational value.
Monroeville Public Library cannot be responsible for any patron's unauthorized use of a computer with a disabled filter.
Any patron who wishes to file a complaint about the filtering software on the library computers may do so within thirty (30) days to:
The Library Director and/or the Library Board President;
The Director of the Electronic Information Network;
The Federal Communications Commission.
3. Request to Reconsider Policy
Those objecting to Library Internet Policy can complete a "Request for Reconsideration of Internet Policy" form, which may be obtained at the Reference Desk. If the Library staff cannot help, requests will be passed on to the Library Board.
Approved by Library Board April 12, 2004 / Revised January 24, 2011
Laptops are available for checkout at the Public Service Desk.
Limits & Availability
Checkout Procedure
Loan Period
Check-in Procedure
Library board approved 5/15/17
Revised 3/28/22
Upated Jan. 2020
The Monroeville Public Library provides meeting rooms and study spaces free of charge, both for library programs and for other meetings and programs of an informational, educational, cultural, or civic nature. Meeting rooms are available to the community in keeping with the Library's mission of disseminating information to the community and encouraging free and open expression and the exchange of ideas.
Programs in which the public is encouraged, either covertly or overtly, to buy a commodity or service from the program leader or organization; or which further one individual's goal; or which charge a fee; will be charged a $25 per hour rental fee, payable by the individual or organization sponsoring the program. Paid tutors will be asked to make a $5 per hour donation. Organizations requesting room for their own meetings that are not open to the public will be charged $25 per hour. Requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
The sale of products at a library-sponsored program is not allowed with one exception: writers, performers, and artists may sell their own works at the library, because the library wants to encourage reading, writing, and the appreciation of culture; and because distribution channels for these materials are often lacking.
Cancellations and No-Shows – If a meeting is cancelled, the library should be notified as far in advance of the date as possible. Please call Barb English at 412-372-0500 x112 to cancel or reschedule. Failure to let the library know that you will not be using the room may result in loss of room privileges in the future. Groups or individuals who do not show up within 15 minutes of their scheduled time without contacting the library will forfeit the room.
Any action or event organized by a campaign committee or group designed specifically to promote or oppose a candidate or ballot issue is not permitted. Meetings at which candidates will discuss current election issues are permitted provided the event is hosted by a non-partisan, non-profit organization (e.g., League of Women voters) and all candidates for the same office have been invited. Meetings held by a campaign committee or political party/group to plan a campaign or political activity are permissible. Also permissible are meetings held by elected officials to gather input or communicate with his/her constituents.
No group or organization using any space may discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or handicapped status in the provision of services.
Discussion groups studying religious topics are permitted.
The Library assumes no responsibility for any equipment, supplies, or materials brought to the library by any group or individual attending the meeting; nor does it assume any liability for groups or individuals attending a meeting in the library.
The fact that a group meets in the library does not in any way constitute an endorsement by the library board or staff of the group's policies or beliefs, nor is the library responsible for the accuracy or consequences of statements made during such meetings.
The library reserves the right to cancel and reschedule a meeting up to two weeks before the meeting. If the library discovers that either a group or the nature of a meeting does not meet the policy guidelines, the library may cancel the meeting up to the time it is scheduled.
All use of the Meeting Rooms is at the discretion of the Library Board.
The Monroeville Public Library is not responsible for any lost or stolen items or injuries that may occur on Library property.
Monetary Donations to Community, Civic, Non-Profit Organizations Policy
The Monroeville Public Library, as a non-profit entity, does not encourage organizations to request monetary donations from the Library. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to review requests for monetary contributions from the Library using the following criteria:
Does the organization or group support the Library's educational mission?
Does the organization., group or event use library services as part of their educational efforts?
Does the organization or group offer a service to the members of our community?
Is the organization, group or event a local community effort?
If these criteria are satisfied, the Board may decide to vote in favor of making a donation to the requesting organization. The Board will review such requests on a case-by-case basis.
Library Board approved Sept., 2005
The purpose of this policy is to protect library patrons, staff members, library materials and equipment, and library grounds from exposure to smoke and emissions from electronic or other smoking devices.
Smoking of tobacco products or use of electronic or other smoking devices is prohibited within the library or within 15 feet of any public entrance of the Monroeville Public Library.
Library Board approved March 2016
Revised January 2020
No smoking is permitted on library premises.
Light refreshment, excluding alcoholic beverages, may be served, but room users are required to provide their own utensils and leave the room and facilities in a clean and orderly condition.
Open flames of any kind are prohibited, including Sterno canisters and other food warmers requiring a flame. The Library has two warming trays available for public use, which must be reserved in advance.
Any group using any room will be responsible for setting up the room according to its own needs. The library staff will bear no responsibility. The group using the room must restore the furniture and the room to the order in which it was found.
AV equipment is provided at discretion of the Library Director.
Meetings must be scheduled during hours the library is open.
The sale of products at a library-sponsored program is not allowed with one exception: because the library wants to encourage reading, writing, and the appreciation of culture and because distribution channels for these materials are often lacking, writers, performers, and artists may sell their own works at the library.
Youth organizations using any room space must have at least one adult (21 or over) present at all times.
Exceptions to these policies are possible only by written application to the Monroeville Public Library Board of Directors.
Program Room:
• Reservations for this room cannot be made more than one year in advance.
• The Program Room is available for use by groups, as noted in the Meeting Policy.
• Space is limited to 50 persons (in rows of chairs) and 25 (at tables).
Markosek Conference Room Rules:
• Reservations for this room cannot be made more than one year in advance.
• The Conference Room is available for use by groups, as noted in the Meeting Policy.
• Space is limited to 12 persons.
Yolanda’s Room:
• Yolanda’s Room may not be reserved more than one month ahead of time.
• Yolanda’s Room is available for use by groups, as noted in the Meeting Policy.
• Space is limited to 20 persons.
• Yolanda’s Room is available for quiet study when not being used for meetings or programs. Patrons using it for quiet study should check in at the front or reference desk – and should be aware that other patrons may also use the room concurrently for quiet study.
Gallery Space:
• The Gallery Space is available only for library sponsored programs and meetings.
Maker Lab:
• The Maker Lab is available only for library sponsored programs and meetings.
• There is some Maker Lab availability for groups wishing to use it as a maker space – for artistic, scientific, or maker projects. Contact Alan Rader at 412-372-0500 x123 for more details.
Johnna’s Room:
• Johnna’s Room may not be reserved more than six months ahead of time.
• Johnna’s Room is available for use by groups, as noted in the Meeting Policy.
• Space is limited to 40 persons.
• Johnna’s Room is available for quiet study when not being used for meetings or programs. Patrons using it for quiet study should check in at the front or reference desk – and should be aware that other patrons may also use the room concurrently for quiet study.
The Monroeville Public Library is concerned with the safety and well being of children in the library, particularly those who are at risk because of their vulnerability. A "vulnerable" child is defined as one who is unable to care for his or her physical and psychological needs or is too young to be safe alone inside and outside the facility. To be unattended, a child must be in 9th grade or older. Children attending library programs are, for the duration of the program only, considered to be supervised by library staff and thus are not unattended.
Statement of Policy:
The accompanying adult is responsible for the vulnerable child while in the library. An accompanying adult may not leave a vulnerable child unattended in the Children's Library. An accompanying adult may not leave a vulnerable child in the temporary care of another young child who is fourteen years old or younger. The library cannot be responsible for the safety or well being of any patron beyond the extent reasonably expected of a public facility. The library staff cannot be responsible for any child who is left unattended. The library staff cannot be responsible for preventing children from leaving with an adult who is not the proper chaperone. Children attending library programs are, for the duration of the program only, considered to be supervised by library staff and thus are not unattended. The library will deal with children left at closing who are too young to go home alone safely by calling the police if the parent or guardian cannot be located and by remaining with that child until the police arrive.
Library Board approved on December 15, 2014
Revised February 27, 2023
In an effort to ensure the safety of our patrons and staff, we have instituted the following weather policy:
Delays - If the Gateway School District has a delay or closure due to snow accumulations or hazardous road conditions, the Monroeville Public Library will be open at 10am. on Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays, closures will be at the discretion of the library.
Closures - The Monroeville Public Library reserves the right to close early or entirely if necessary for the safety of patrons and staff.
Materials due back on a day when a closure happens will be extended to the next day we are open, without fines.
In the event of a delay or closure for the Gateway school District, all AM Children's Programs will be canceled.
All delays and closures will be announced as soon as possible on the library website, voicemail, and local media outlets. Please watch the local TV channels for listings.
Library Board approved on January 25, 2016
Once the proper paperwork has been completed, each volunteer will be introduced to the library during their orientation with a staff member. The volunteer will then be assigned to a supervisor. It is the responsibility of the supervisor to provide training to the volunteer.
Definition of a Volunteer
Volunteer workers are unpaid. They give of their time and energy to assist the library to conduct certain kinds of programs or specific services. All of our volunteers have one thing in common – a desire to contribute actively to the Monroeville Public Library.
Focus of the Volunteer Program
Provide assistance in certain library departments.
Build a bond with the community by borrowing the talents and skills of volunteers.
Provide opportunities whereby individuals can gain practical work experience and expand their personal growth.
The Library Offers You:
Orientation and Training – Orientation and training provide an introduction to the Monroeville Public Library. They offer general information on the volunteer program and specific training in the procedures used by the library.
Tax Deduction – Mileage to and from volunteer work is deductible at the current IRS allowable rate.
References – The library may be listed as a reference when needed for applications for school or employment. Request for references from the Monroeville Public Library should be referred to the volunteer’s direct supervisor.
Volunteers Have the Following Rights:
Volunteers can expect certain rights when they give freely of their time.
To receive orientation and adequate training
To expect tasks to be clearly defined
To be given adequate tools to perform the job
To expect cordial relations with paid staff and other volunteers
To receive feedback (both positive and negative) on their work
To have the opportunity to discuss issues or problems concerning their work
To expect that the library be respectful of their time
To have their time be invested in tasks and activities that are worthwhile.
Volunteer Responsibilities
Volunteers also have a specific responsibility when they accept a position at the library to be respectful of themselves, the staff and the patrons. The volunteers are responsible to:
Adhere to agreed-upon work schedules
Honor rules regarding confidentiality
Maintain appropriate relations with co-workers
Be courteous and polite
Report work related problems
Attempt tasks only within their scope of responsibility and ability
2 hours per week, 3 month minimum time commitment
Benefits of Volunteering
Opportunity to help others and to serve the community
Gain job training in a specific area
Continued use of professional skills for retired individuals
A chance to meet new people with shared values
Opportunity for self-improvement
Opportunity to become familiar and involved with library and the services they offer
Volunteer Process:
The volunteer applicant is asked to complete an application. If the necessary qualifications are met for the specific position, the applicant is asked to attend a training session before starting on the job.
Minimum Volunteer Requirements
You must be at least 14 years old with the written consent of a parent or guardian prior to volunteering
Some jobs need a steady hand and good eyesight
Other jobs need a strong back where you can lift at least 50 pounds
A friendly, helpful attitude
Some jobs have a specific time commitment.
Due to Pennsylvania ACT 153, All volunteers must present current proof of their PA Child Abuse history clearance and PA Criminal record check before beginning volunteer service.
All efforts are made to place anyone interested in volunteer service. However, the Monroeville Public Library cannot offer a guarantee placement of a volunteer.
Termination of Service
Volunteer actions such as, but not limited to gross dereliction of duty, embezzlement, the use of drugs or alcohol on the job, insubordination, non-performance of duties, violation of confidentiality, public altercations with another volunteer, patron or library staff person will be cause for immediate dismissal by the library’s director.
If a volunteer is unable to continue in the volunteer program, a written resignation should be submitted to the library’s volunteer coordinator.
Volunteer Procedures
The volunteer must sign in and out on the Volunteer Register located at the welcome desk. It is important to sign the Volunteer Register in order for library personnel to know who is in the building and to maintain records of the hours of service.
Volunteers are responsible for making every effort to arrive for work at the agreed upon schedule. When a volunteer cannot work as scheduled, it is their responsibility to notify the director.
During inclement weather, the volunteer should contact his or her supervisor to determine whether or not to report to work. If the library should close early due to inclement weather, the volunteer will be notified. Under no circumstances do we expect the volunteer to put themselves in a dangerous situation to report to work. All we expect is that some contact is made with a supervisor.
General Policies
It is the policy of the Monroeville Public Library to regard as confidential any information about patrons and their use of library resources. All volunteers who work on the library’s behalf must comply with this policy. Failure to maintain confidentiality will result in the library’s release of the volunteer.
Dress Code
The dress code for all volunteers and staff of the library will be in accordance with appropriate office attire or appropriate for the various duties to be performed. Attire should be clean, neat and properly worn to present a favorable impression to the public.
The Monroeville Public LIbrary is a “smoke-free” facility. To accommodate patrons, staff and volunteers who care to smoke, there is a designated area outside the library.
Volunteers are invited to use the staff lunch room, refrigerator and microwave for lunch, dinner and snacks. All are expected to clean up after themselves.
Volunteer Opportunities:
Shelf maintenance
Material Prep
Children’s Room Helper
Programming (for a variety of ages)
Teen Area Helper
Morning Computer Prep
Special Projects
Interested in Volunteering? Contact:
For Students completing community service – contact Barb English @ 412-372-0500 x112
For all other volunteers – contact Tiffany Cannon @ 412-372-0500 x114
Please note: these policies override any previous policies and will be in place until further notice.
Masks recommended but not required in-library for browsing, working/studying, computer usage, and programming. Masks required only for one-on-one technology tutoring sessions with a staff member.
Revised February 28, 2022
The purpose of this policy is to: 1) provide a system for complying with document retention laws, 2) ensure that the organization retains valuable documents, 3) save money, time and space, 4) protect the organization against allegations of selective document destruction, and 5) provide for routine destruction of non-business, superfluous, and outdated documents.
Documents that should be retained and the period of retention are listed below. In general, documents that are not subject to a retention requirement should be kept only long enough to accomplish the task for which they were generated.
The Executive Director is in charge of making sure that the appropriate department head or manger is complying with document retention schedule.
Our organization has a legal duty to retain relevant documents which it knows or believes may be relevant to any legal action. Such documents also include those that could lead to discovery of admissible evidence. Accordingly, all document destruction is automatically suspended when a lawsuit, claim, or government investigation is pending, threatened or reasonably foreseeable. In such a case, paper document destruction, as well as electronic destruction must cease immediately. In the case of electronic destruction, the system administrator is responsible for ensuring that any automatic destruction program is disabled and reviewing all electronic systems that contain documents potentially relevant to the litigation or claim.
All documents, including electronic documents, that are no longer relevant to the organization’s business, should be destroyed every 60 days. Do not retain drafts of any documents that have been finalized. Personal notes should not be kept after they are no longer needed.
In accordance with the Monroeville Public Library Fund’s policy, the following documents must be retained or destroyed as set forth in the schedule here. Please review the schedule and any applicable documents in your possession on an annual basis to ensure compliance with this schedule. Department Heads will direct the deposit or filing of all documents that must be retained, as well as the destruction of documents that must be purged.
NOTE: Neither this policy nor the accompanying schedule sets forth the means of storing documents during the retention period. You must consider how best to accomplish this task for your organization, e.g. consider whether to store information on paper, disks, microfilm, etc. and whether to store on-site or off-site.
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act amended the federal criminal code to create or enhance penalties for retaliation against whistleblowers while a federal investigation is underway. These changes to the criminal code apply to all business entities, possibly including nonprofit organizations, their board members and employees. Therefore, adopting policies and procedures for the protection of whistleblowers is advisable.
The Monroeville Public Library is committed to facilitating open and honest communications relevant to its governance, finances, and compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. The Monroeville Public Library requires directors, volunteers, and employees to observe high standards of business and personal ethics in the conduct of their duties and responsibilities. Employees and representatives of the organization must practice honesty and integrity in fulfilling their responsibilities and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
This whistleblower policy reflects the practices and principles of behavior that support this commitment. It is important that the Board of Directors be apprised about unlawful or improper behavior including, but not limited to, any of the following conduct:
We request the assistance of every director, volunteer and employee who has a reasonable belief or suspicion about any improper transaction. Monroeville Public Library values this input and each director, volunteer and employee should feel free to raise issues of concern, in good faith, without fear of retaliation. Directors, volunteers and employees will not be disciplined, demoted, lose their jobs, or be retaliated against for asking questions or voicing concerns about conduct of this sort. While the library has separate policies which cover harassment and employment discrimination, this Whistleblower Policy applies to these situations to encourage the reporting of such wrongful actions. Interested parties are encouraged to report any such improprieties without fear of retaliation or intimidation.
Monroeville Public Library will investigate any possible fraudulent or dishonest use or misuse of library resources, or abuse, discrimination, or a failure to provide reasonable accommodation, by management, staff, or volunteers. Monroeville Public Library will take appropriate action against anyone found to have engaged in fraudulent, dishonest, abusive or discriminatory conduct, including disciplinary action, or civil or criminal prosecution when warranted.
Therefore, all members of Monroeville Public Library staff, directors and volunteers are encouraged to report possible fraudulent, abusive, discriminatory, or dishonest conduct (i.e., to act as a “whistleblower”), pursuant to the procedures set forth below.
Reporting Responsibility:
Each director, volunteer, and employee of Monroeville Public Library has an obligation to report in accordance with this Whistleblower Policy
(a) questionable or improper accounting, financial or auditing matters, and
(b) violations and suspected violations of Monroeville Public Library’s policies or any unlawful or improper workplace conduct (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Concerns”).
Authority of Board:
All reported Concerns will be forwarded to the Board in accordance with the procedures set forth herein. The Board shall be responsible for investigating, and making appropriate recommendations to the library director, with respect to all reported Concerns.
Reporting Concerns:
Employees should first discuss their Concern with the Library Director. In addition, if the individual is uncomfortable speaking with the Library Director, or the Library Director is a subject of the Concern, the individual should report their Concern directly to the President of Monroeville Public Library’s Board of Directors.
If the Concern was reported orally to the Library Director, the reporting individual, with assistance from the Library Director, shall convert the Concern to writing. The Library Director is required to promptly report the Concern to the President of the Board of Directors, which has specific responsibility to investigate all Concerns. If the Library Director, for any reason, does not promptly forward the Concern to the Board, the reporting individual should directly report the Concern to the President of the Board of Directors. Contact information for the President of the Board of Directors may be obtained on the library’s website. Concerns may also be submitted anonymously. Such anonymous Concerns should be in writing and sent directly to the President of the Board of Directors.
Directors and Other Volunteers:
Directors and other volunteers should submit Concerns in writing directly to the President of the Board of Directors. Contact information for the President may be obtained from the library’s website.
If the President of the Board of Directors is a subject of the Concern, the individual should report their concern to the Board’s Vice President.
Handling of Reported Violations:
The Board, as a whole, shall address all reported Concerns. The President will notify the reporter, and if applicable, the Library Director, and acknowledge receipt of the Concern within five business days, if possible. It will not be possible to acknowledge receipt of anonymously submitted Concerns.
All reports will be promptly investigated by the Board, and appropriate corrective action will be recommended, if warranted by the investigation. In addition, action taken must include a conclusion and/or follow-up with the reporter, and if applicable, the Library Director, for resolution of the Concern.
The Board has the authority to retain outside legal counsel, accountants, private investigators, or any other resource, as deemed necessary to conduct a full and complete investigation of the Concern.
Acting in Good Faith:
Anyone reporting a Concern must act in good faith and have reasonable grounds for believing the information disclosed indicates an improper accounting or auditing practice, or a violation of Monroeville Public Library’s policies. The act of making allegations that prove to be unsubstantiated, and that prove to have been made maliciously, recklessly, or with the foreknowledge that the allegations are false, will be viewed as a serious disciplinary offense and may result in discipline, up to and including dismissal from the volunteer position or termination of employment. Such conduct may also give rise to other actions, including civil lawsuits.
Rights and Responsibilities of Monroeville Public Library
Whistleblower Protection:
Monroeville Public Library will protect whistleblowers as follows:
Posting and Notification:
This policy is to be posted in the Monroeville Public Library, including in the Employee Manual, and posted on Monroeville Public Library’s website, as part of the board of directors’ information and communicated to all new staff, volunteers and board members as part of their orientation. In addition, each year, after the annual election of the board president, the Library Director will have the responsibility of updating the contact information.
Adopted by Library Board on December 12, 2022
Members of the Board of Directors must promote a high level of library service while observing ethical standards. Members of the Board of Directors must avoid situations in which personal interests might be served or financial benefits gained at the expense of library users, colleagues, or the institution.
It is incumbent upon any member of the Board of Directors to disclose a conflict of interest when it occurs and to disqualify themselves immediately whenever the appearance of a conflict of interest exists. A conflict of interest is defined in Ordinance No. 1697 of the Municipality of Monroeville as “any situation in which a public official or public employee is in a position where his or her vote or decision can result in a financial benefit to himself or herself or a member of his or her immediate family other than those benefits which may accrue to the public generally.” Members of the Board of Directors must distinguish clearly in their actions and statements between their personal philosophies and attitudes and those of the institution, acknowledging the formal position of the board even if they personally disagree. A member of the Board of Directors must respect the confidential nature of library business while being aware of, and in compliance with, applicable laws governing freedom of information.
Adopted by Library Board on December 12, 2022
I. Application of Policy
This policy applies to board members, staff and certain volunteers of Monroeville Public Library. A volunteer is covered under this policy if that person has been granted significant independent decision-making authority with respect to financial or other resources of the organization. Persons covered under this policy are hereinafter referred to as “interested parties.”
II. Conflict of Interest
A conflict of interest may exist when the interests or concerns of an interested party may be seen as competing with the interests or concerns of the organization. There are a variety of situations which raise conflict of interest concerns including, but not limited to, the following:
Financial Interests - A conflict may exist where an interested party, or a relative or business associate of an interested party, directly or indirectly benefits or profits as a result of a decision made or transaction entered into by the organization. Examples include situations where:
Other Interests - A conflict may also exist where an interested party, or a relative or business associate of an interested party, obtains a non-financial benefit or advantage that they would not have obtained absent their relationship with the organization, or where their duty or responsibility owed to the organization conflicts with a duty or responsibility owed to some other organization. Additional conflicts may be more subtle and be more in the nature of a duality of interest. Examples include:
III. Disclosure of Actual or Potential Conflicts of Interest
An interested party is under a continuing obligation to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest as soon as it is known, or reasonably should be known.
An interested party shall complete a questionnaire, in the form attached hereto, to fully and completely disclose the material facts about any actual or potential conflicts of interest. The disclosure statement shall be completed upon their association with the organization, and shall be updated annually thereafter. An additional disclosure statement shall be filed at such time as an actual or potential conflict arises.
For board members, the disclosure statements shall be provided to the President of the Board, or in the case of the President’s disclosure statement shall be provided to the Secretary of the Board. Copies shall also be provided to the Director.
In the case of staff or volunteers with significant decision-making authority, the disclosure statements shall be provided to the library Director, or in the case of the Director’s disclosure statement shall be provided to the President of the Board.
The Secretary of the board shall file copies of all disclosure statements with the official records of the organization.
IV. Procedures for Review of Actual or Potential Conflicts - Generally
Whenever there is reason to believe that an actual or potential conflict of interest exists between Monroeville Public Library and an interested party, the library board shall determine the appropriate organizational response. This shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, invoking the procedures described in Section V, below, with respect to a specific proposed action or transaction.
Where the actual or potential conflict involves an employee of the organization other than the Director, the Director shall, in the first instance, be responsible for reviewing the matter and may take appropriate action as necessary to protect the interests of the library. The Director shall report to the President of the board the results of any review and the action taken. The President, in consultation with the library board, shall determine if any further review or action is required.
V. Procedures for Addressing Conflicts of Interest - Specific Transactions
Where an actual or potential conflict exists between the interests of Monroeville Public Library and an interested party with respect to a specific proposed action or transaction, Monroeville Public Library shall refrain from the proposed action or transaction until such time as the proposed action or transaction has been approved by the disinterested members of the board of directors of the organization. The following procedures shall apply:
VI. Conflicts of Interest and Compensation
No voting member of the board may receive compensation, directly or indirectly, from the library. In the case of the library Director, that person is precluded from participating in discussion about matters related to their own performance evaluation, benefits, compensation, and grievances against themselves.
VII. Violations of Conflict of Interest Policy
If the board has reason to believe that an interested party has failed to disclose an actual or potential conflict of interest, it shall inform the person of the basis for such belief and afford the person an opportunity to explain the alleged failure to disclose.
If, after hearing the response of the interested party and making such further investigation as may be warranted in the circumstances, the board determines that the interested party has in fact failed to disclose an actual or possible conflict of interest, it shall take appropriate disciplinary and corrective action as decided by the Board.